San Vidal und Santa Maria della Carità ("Der Hof der Steinmetzen")

San Vidal und Santa Maria della Carità ("Der Hof der Steinmetzen")
Giovanni Antonio Canal ("Canaletto") (1722–1765), San Vidal und Santa Maria della Carità ("Der Hof der Steinmetzen"), London, National Gallery, Saal 38, um 1728, Bild 1/2
Giovanni Antonio Canal ("Canaletto") (1722–1765), San Vidal und Santa Maria della Carità ("Der Hof der Steinmetzen"), London, National Gallery, Saal 38, um 1728, Bild 1/2
Giovanni Antonio Canal ("Canaletto") (1722–1765), San Vidal und Santa Maria della Carità ("Der Hof der Steinmetzen"), London, National Gallery, Saal 38, um 1728, Bild 2/2

Venice: Campo S. Vidal and Santa Maria della Carità ('The Stonemason's Yard')

This intimate view of Venice shows the Campo S. Vidal filled with large pieces of masonry and a workman's hut. The stone was probably intended for the façade of the church of S. Vidal (not shown). The campo still exists but the bell-tower seen across the canal collapsed in 1744. This is one of Canaletto's most celebrated works.

London, National Gallery, Saal 38
London, National Gallery, Saal 38

In Vorbereitung: Paris, Musée d’Orsay; Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs; L'Aquila, Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo; Ascoli Piceno, Pinacoteca civica
