New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met) | Zeitgenössische Kunst | Martin Puryear

Position New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met)
Nur hier
Chakaia Booker
*1953 Newark, New Jersey
Nur hier
Chuck Close
1940 Monroe, Washington - 2021 Oceanside, New York
Nur hier
Sam Gilliam
1933 Tupelo, Mississippi - 2022 Washington
Nur hier
Susan Rothenberg
1945 Buffalo - 2020 Galisteo
Kunstwerke von Martin Puryear (1982)
Martin Puryear (1982), Tango, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 915, 1982
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 915
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 915, Bild 1/6
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 915, Bild 1/6
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 915, Bild 2/6
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 915, Bild 3/6
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 915, Bild 4/6
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 915, Bild 5/6
New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art (Met), Saal 915, Bild 6/6

In Vorbereitung: Paris, Musée d’Orsay; Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs; L'Aquila, Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo; Ascoli Piceno, Pinacoteca civica
