London, National Gallery, Saal 53 | Paolo Uccello (Paolo di Dono)

Position London, National Gallery
Künstler in London, National Gallery, Saal 53
Nur hier
Alesso Baldovinetti
1427 Florenz - 1499 Florenz
Nur hier
Fra Filippo Lippi
um 1406 Florenz - 1469 Spoleto
Nur hier
Francesco di Antonio di Bartolomeo
1393/1394 Florenz - nach 1433 Florenz
Nur hier
Piero della Francesca
um 1410 bis 1420 Borgo San Sepolcro - 1492 Borgo San Sepolcro
Nur hier
Zanobi di Benedetto di Caroccio degli Strozzi
1412 Florenz - 1468 Florenz
Kunstwerke von Paolo Uccello (Paolo di Dono) (1439)


In the middle decades of the 15th century, artists in Florence and its surrounding territories diversified their production to meet the desires of patrons seeking new kinds of art to adorn their residences. Uccello's Battle of San Romano, which celebrated a recent military victory, was part of an exceptionally ambitious commission for the Bartolini Salimbeni family palace. Smaller works treating ancient or mythological subjects also had a commemorative function, often marking an important event such as a wedding or a birth.

Pisanello, painting for patrons in the ducal courts of northern Italy, employed ostensibly Christian subjects as a pretext for lavish depictions of hunting and knightly pursuits associated with courtly life. Such chivalric associations likely also inspired Uccello's Saint George and the Dragon.

Religious faith, however, remained the driving force behind most artistic commissions. Both the paintings by Piero della Francesca in this room formed part of altarpieces for churches in his native Borgo San Sepolcro. Christian imagery was found in civic spaces too. Saint Bernard's Vision by Filippo Lippi was displayed in Florence's government headquarters and Domenico Veneziano's pair of saints are fragments of a frescoed shrine found on the city's streets.

London, National Gallery, Saal 53
London, National Gallery, Saal 53, Bild 1/2
London, National Gallery, Saal 53, Bild 1/2
London, National Gallery, Saal 53, Bild 2/2

In Vorbereitung: Paris, Musée d’Orsay; Paris, Musée des Arts décoratifs; L'Aquila, Museo Nazionale d'Abruzzo; Ascoli Piceno, Pinacoteca civica
